Thursday 24 October 2013

Globalizing HRIS ( Transnational )

In this post we will discuss on globalizing of Human resources information system through models

In terms of HRIS, in the organization they have 3 models that can be implemented in organization. But firstly, we have to know what the strategic need of company that have to be consider:

1.      the need of responsive through local differentiation
2.      the need for efficiency through global integration
3.      the need for learning through leveraging worldwide innovation and knowledge sharing

After that, there is an option that company may choose through the model:

1.      Multinational model

this model takes a responsive approach to implement and manage the HRIS to be sensitive in terms of local and regional differences and allowing local operation to have significant amount of freedom and organizational autonomy

2.      Global Model
this model takes an efficiency approach in terms of implement and manage HRIS by build a single and standardized centralized system .this model try to make one perspective in organization

3.      International Model

this model take implement and manage HRIS by transferring and adapting knowledge and expertise to local organizations. and this model allows for exploitation of the core parent company/s in terms of adaption of technologies, business practices, [roducts, service and knowledge, expertise.

But when the environment changes, we need TRANSNATIONAL HRIS

Transnational HRIS Brings efficiencies through an integrated network of competencies and processes, provides flexibility through specialised roles and responsibilities, and creates a learning organisation through the facilitation of multiple innovation processes
there are 3 critical components:

1.       Global efficiency
collect best practices and technology all over the world and build integrated. the benefits such as succession planning and training course design

2.       Local flexibility
using the treatment of foreign operations in order to building the flexibility and responsiveness that HRIS need today. this components also responsive to local needs.

3.       Innovation and sharing

Commit in learning and sharing in the organization to innovate our products and processes through explore the using of internet of the latest development in knowledge sharing

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